Redmond 2050

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Background images is an aerial photo of the city, with a large green arrow and the Redmond 2050 logo superimposed on top.

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The vision for Redmond is decided by the people in our community. Who we are and who we want to be as a city, what our values and priorities are, and how we build and serve our community -- all are determined by community members themselves. We must find solutions for accommodating growth that fit our community values, particularly how growth is distributed in our community and what it looks like.

La visión para Redmond se decide por la gente de la comunidad. Quien somos y quien queremos ser como ciudad, cuales son nuestros valores y prioridades, y como construimos y servimos a nuestra comunidad – todo se determina por los mismos miembros de la comunidad. ¡Es hora de alzar su voz!

Staff will be incorporating your feedback into policy and code updates that will impact the next 30 years.

Join the conversation!

The vision for Redmond is decided by the people in our community. Who we are and who we want to be as a city, what our values and priorities are, and how we build and serve our community -- all are determined by community members themselves. We must find solutions for accommodating growth that fit our community values, particularly how growth is distributed in our community and what it looks like.

La visión para Redmond se decide por la gente de la comunidad. Quien somos y quien queremos ser como ciudad, cuales son nuestros valores y prioridades, y como construimos y servimos a nuestra comunidad – todo se determina por los mismos miembros de la comunidad. ¡Es hora de alzar su voz!

Staff will be incorporating your feedback into policy and code updates that will impact the next 30 years.

Discussions: All (5) Open (0)
  • Discussion Forum for Overlake Code Updates

    about 2 years ago
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    Testing Proposed Revisions 

    During the third quarter of 2022, the community and stakeholders reviewed and provided feedback on draft proposed amendments to the City's development regulations that are a part of the Redmond Zoning Code Rewrite and/or the Redmond 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update.  Staff invite your additional review, comments, and input to help us prepare additional revisions and prepare for formal review by the Planning Commission and City Council in 2023.

    Proposed Updates/Concepts:

    Use the LetsConnect forum below to ask questions or provide feedback. The amendments are in draft form; your feedback will help staff to finalize the code packages and to ensure the code's accuracy and ease of use. The City Council's action is anticipated during Q3-Q4 2023.

    Learn More

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  • Equity and Inclusion

    by Admin, almost 4 years ago
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    Please share your thoughts on how Equity & Inclusion is (or should be) reflected in Redmond's built environment. 

    Our working definitions:

    Equity - The City provides all community members with equal and effective city services, resources, opportunities, and influence so that all people achieve their full potential and thrive. Equity is a purposeful and eager journey toward well-being as defined by those most negatively impacted.

    Inclusion - The City treats all people respectfully; values all people for their distinctive skills, experiences, and perspectives; engages all people to contribute to the community’s success; and leverages resources and city services where needed.


    • To ensure that all people are meaningfully engaged to shape city policies and processes.
    • To include, accommodate, and empower groups of people who have historically been excluded because of their gender, race and/or ethnicity, LGBTQIA+, age, religion, disabilities, or their socioeconomic, immigration, or veteran status, or as a member of any historically marginalized group.
    • To apply an equity process in all facets of planning to eliminate socioeconomic disparities.
    • To identify and remediate inequitable policies, processes, or regulations and remove barriers to equity and inclusion.
    • To create equitable intergenerational, geographic, and process outcomes.

    Share your Stories:

    • What does Equity & Inclusion mean to you?  What does Equity & Inclusion mean to your daily experiences in our community?  
    • How can we improve Equity & Inclusion through our built and natural environment?
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  • Resiliency

    by Admin, almost 4 years ago
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    Please share your thoughts on Redmond's Resiliency.  

    Our working definition:

    Ensuring that the community, as a whole, is prepared for, able to adapt to, and can recover effectively from disruptive conditions.


    • City processes and procedures have the flexibility to pivot and respond quickly to the unpredictable and react/act when needed, including preparing, educating, mitigating, adapting, and managing risk.
    • Identifying essential services and vulnerable systems and populations prior to and during emergencies.
    • Having multiple paths and backup systems to achieve community goals, with outcomes and vision more important than how that is accomplished.
    • Designing and building our community for longevity and flexibility from the start.
    • Harnessing information and communications technology in service of the above objectives.

    Share your thoughts/stories:

    • What does Resiliency mean to you?  What does Resiliency mean to your experiences in our community?  
    • How can we improve our community's Resiliency?
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  • Sustainability

    by Admin, almost 4 years ago
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    Please share your thoughts on Redmond's Sustainability.  

    Our working definition:

    Meeting the needs of current and future generations and advancing environmental conservation, economic prosperity, and a high quality of life for all.


    • Enhancing green space, tree canopy, habitat and water quality, biological condition of streams, and natural drainage systems.
    • Increasing waste diversion and promoting more sustainable consumption practices.
    • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating a climate resilient community, and leading by example.
    • Building economic prosperity.
    • Equitably distributing the benefits of sustainability and addressing historical impacts to create conditions for all people to achieve their full potential.
    • Harnessing the power of information and communications technology in service to sustainability objectives.

    Share your stories:

    • What does that mean to you?  What does Sustainability mean to your daily experiences in our community?  
    • How does/should Sustainability impact our built and natural environment?
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  • Technology Forward ("Smart City")

    by Admin, over 3 years ago
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    Please share your thoughts on the theme of Technology Forward.  

    Our working definition:

    A collaborative approach to the modernization, optimization, and personalization of city services through the use of technology and data-informed policies.   

    NOTE:  Technology Forward has been integrated into the other three themes as is no longer a separate theme.

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Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 10:35 AM