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Project Overview
Redmond is considering implementing a fee system for the extended closure of public right of way (ROW) by private businesses beginning in January 2025. Public right of way includes sidewalks, bike lanes, vehicle lanes, and parking spaces.
Outdoor dining and construction activities are common examples of extended ROW closures for private use. These closures partially or completely block residents from accessing and enjoying the use of taxpayer-funded right of way or require them to be paying customers of a private business to access public ROW. The proposed fees are meant to incentivize construction companies to limit the duration of closures and to recoup some of the cost to the public of losing access to taxpayer-funded ROW. The City is trying to balance these private uses with the community's need to access their right of way.
The proposed use fees are based on research, align with surrounding agencies, and are right-sized for Redmond. The fee will apply to closing any portion of the ROW for private use for periods over two weeks.
Proposed Outdoor Dining Use Fee:
An annual fee of $2.00 per square foot of closed ROW, plus a flat-rate permit fee of $671 (2024).
For Construction Activity:
A monthly fee of $0.75 per square foot of closed ROW for construction activity.
In addition to collecting these use fees, the City is required to collect a leasehold excise tax to be remitted to Washington State per (RCW 82.29A.030). The leasehold excise tax is 12.84% of the use fee for the closed ROW.
How would this new fee work?
When a construction business submits a traffic control plan that includes ROW closures, the appropriate ROW use fee will be assessed.
When a business applies for or renews an outdoor dining permit, the appropriate ROW use fee will be assessed.
Project Overview
Redmond is considering implementing a fee system for the extended closure of public right of way (ROW) by private businesses beginning in January 2025. Public right of way includes sidewalks, bike lanes, vehicle lanes, and parking spaces.
Outdoor dining and construction activities are common examples of extended ROW closures for private use. These closures partially or completely block residents from accessing and enjoying the use of taxpayer-funded right of way or require them to be paying customers of a private business to access public ROW. The proposed fees are meant to incentivize construction companies to limit the duration of closures and to recoup some of the cost to the public of losing access to taxpayer-funded ROW. The City is trying to balance these private uses with the community's need to access their right of way.
The proposed use fees are based on research, align with surrounding agencies, and are right-sized for Redmond. The fee will apply to closing any portion of the ROW for private use for periods over two weeks.
Proposed Outdoor Dining Use Fee:
An annual fee of $2.00 per square foot of closed ROW, plus a flat-rate permit fee of $671 (2024).
For Construction Activity:
A monthly fee of $0.75 per square foot of closed ROW for construction activity.
In addition to collecting these use fees, the City is required to collect a leasehold excise tax to be remitted to Washington State per (RCW 82.29A.030). The leasehold excise tax is 12.84% of the use fee for the closed ROW.
How would this new fee work?
When a construction business submits a traffic control plan that includes ROW closures, the appropriate ROW use fee will be assessed.
When a business applies for or renews an outdoor dining permit, the appropriate ROW use fee will be assessed.