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Let’s continue to stop the spread of COVID-19 while spreading words of positivity in #OurRedmond community.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Post or submit your photo or video of a positive word or phrase you’d like to share with the community.
  2. Get creative with whatever you have – make a sign, paint a rock, chalk your driveway, use a letterboard, record a video
  3. Share with #OurRedmond community
    - Create an account or log in and share here
    - Post on social media and include #OurRedmond and tag @CityofRedmond
    - Send an email to communications@redmond.gov

Please note that contributions are public and may be used in future City of Redmond communications.

Let’s continue to stop the spread of COVID-19 while spreading words of positivity in #OurRedmond community.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Post or submit your photo or video of a positive word or phrase you’d like to share with the community.
  2. Get creative with whatever you have – make a sign, paint a rock, chalk your driveway, use a letterboard, record a video
  3. Share with #OurRedmond community
    - Create an account or log in and share here
    - Post on social media and include #OurRedmond and tag @CityofRedmond
    - Send an email to communications@redmond.gov

Please note that contributions are public and may be used in future City of Redmond communications.

Page last updated: 22 Apr 2020, 02:19 PM